The backend is a set of serverless microservices. In this section, shows you how to deply the application from a GitHub Repository:
Clone the repo which will download a local copy of the instructions and code you will use to build the backend portion of the workshop.
cd ~/environment/
git clone ./serverlesspresso
This is a good time to introduce the AWS Serverless Application Model, or AWS SAM. SAM is an open-source framework that makes it easier to deploy serverless infrastructure.
This allows you to specify your application requirements in code and SAM transforms and expands the SAM syntax into AWS CloudFormation to deploy your application. You will see and use SAM templates throughout this workshop.
More information on this services used in this section:
In this section, you will complete a SAM deployment which will build much of the backend infrastructure which we will add to throughout the rest of the workshop.
Go back to your browser tab with Cloud9 running. If you need to re-launch Cloud9, from the AWS Management Console, select Services then select Cloud9 under Developer Tools. Make sure your region is correct.
Change directory:
cd ~/environment/serverlesspresso/setup
sam build
sam deploy --stack-name serverlesspresso-backend --resolve-s3 --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
CloudFormation outputs from deployed stack
.Copy these outputs from the stack to a scratch file, notepad or text editor for later use. These are all the resource names you’ll need in subsequent modules.
In the next module, you’ll learn about workflows and state machines, and build the main workflow that powers the application.
Now you are ready to start building 👷